Imagine having no inhibition nor restrictions at all. Nothing preventing you from going somewhere in the world. You earn several thousand dollars every month from your online business, and you are able to support yourself financially with this sustainable income stream. Whenever you need to find food for yourself while traveling, you are able to pay for that or go shopping yourself. If you need an airbnb, or a hotel to stay in, you’re able to afford any comfortable accommodation without being too frugal. Nothing too extravagant, but also not a budget hostel style sort of accommodation. You enjoy your privacy.
This is the life I am looking to build for myself. To be able to travel and explore the world without concern financially. I will stay in a given country for several months if I am enjoying my time there or meeting people I enjoy being around. Knowing that I have built up my online business to bring in several thousand dollars every month, it’s enough for me to support myself. I may not necessarily be able to afford staying in a 5-star hotel every single night, but I am able to support myself in $30-$50 private rooms every night without a problem. In Asia especially, this is a generous allowance to give myself when looking for an accommodation.
Producing and cultivating this intention is a matter of focusing on this goal every single day. Thinking about it day and night so as to bring about answers so that I am able to take action in alignment with its desired fulfillment. There is no other way. I need to create from within, and produce action on the out.
When I look at flights around the world, there are so many places I would absolutely love to experience more thoroughly without limitations. If I fly into Tahiti, it will be this magical, tropical paradise. At the same time, I want to be able to stay in a comfortable accommodation, but on that island, those rooms will be several hundred dollars per night. Now, if I were earning $2,000-$3,000 every month, I wouldn’t have a problem forking out the money because I would know that I will have more income being generated for next month. This is what I have created. This is what I focus on generating every single day in order to support my lifestyle. Without thinking of ways to do this, then where will the answers for this desire arise from?
Life is just a collection of thoughts stacked on top of each other, and the more I think about and focus on a given desire or goal, the more understanding and awareness I will have on that given topic which will therefore allow me to produce results surrounding that centralized focal point. I have to THINK about working out if I am going to take action in working out, and the action is what produces the physical results with which I find satisfaction and enjoyment out of. But it all started with the intention to want to improve my physical health and strength.
Same thing in the financial field. I must focus and think about making money if I will have any chance at producing any measurable results. I CAN have this, I WILL have this, but I just have to take action that will help me inch closer to this realized reality. To produce my sustainable income. Produce my livable adventure spending fund. Find myself traveling to places because now I have the financial funds to freely go and explore whatever corner of the world may excite me. I will not hold back anymore !!